Thursday, January 23, 2020

2020 Day 23 My Depth Year Notes

2020 (Day 23) Depth Year Notes This year is my Depth Year. My 'Going deeper rather than wider for a year' year (i.e no new possessions, no added tools/books/supplies). Going deeper into what authentically-me art-creation means, no more making stuff I think I remember someone said would 'sell' and no more 'fitting' my art into the market. I will be utilizing the supplies, resources, and tools I already have in place (this part I'm vastly experienced at having created much out of little for most of my life). I am dedicated to the deeper goal of creating an accelerated mass shift to gradually minimalist. (I can hear it...this is in transition, and resistance is presenting with a loud voice) -- It looks/sounds like a more time-consuming task than it actually is 'in-the-moment' when I have 30-minute blocks carved out for each goal, each day, to make progress. Some days I delve in longer, but, in the big picture, these 30-minute blocks take about 10 minutes here-and-there scattered throughout the day in the midst of day-to-day self-care and caregiving. Time is already happening. I just decided to use it differently. When I might have bought a new kindle book...I'll sort books off the cloud I'll never read, and donate a few off my bookshelf. When I might have put a new something in the Amazon cart (and spent 30 minutes sifting through reviews so I get a relatively good one) I will repair what I already have or "LIVE without it" ;-) I would say the most challenging is living 24/7 with a change-resistant committee in my head. They're talking about me as if I've lost my mind. They have strategies to stop me from reaching my goal (well-meaning over protective rationalizing from the old perspectives). They'll get used to it. Eventually. In the meantime I'm listening closely, reframing perspective, and nurturing with ''This is fabulous" Create - Believe - Inspire Deb

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