Monday, September 20, 2010

Complete E-Book Author's Guide

Bonus Package Available for a LIMITED TIME ONLY!

My E-Book VA The Author's Resource

Read On for special bonus offer with purchase.

New Release: Download The Complete E-Book Author's Guide Today!

Limited time to receive the special bonus package for the October 2010 session! Look at what you will receive with purchase of Complete E-Book Author's Guide: How To Write & Sell Your E-Book!

October session offer Ends 8PM Eastern Time on Saturday September 25.

1. *Buy the “Complete E-Book Author’s Guide : How to Write & Sell Your E-Book” and receive the following bonuses**
(* An instant download. ** For participants who purchase by September 25. Bonuses are delivered by email as periodicals over the course of 12 weeks beginning October 1st)

2. Free Workshop: The 7 Point System E-Book Marketing 12 week course (beginning October 1, 2010).
Also, receive

3. The Complete E-Book Author’s Guide Workbook Series. Each week you will receive a portion of the Guide Workbook, step by step guidance and applied marketing tasks to increase your E-Book sales.

Combined you will receive:

The Complete E-Book Author’s Guide: How To Write & Sell Your E-Book

7 Point System E-Book Marketing workshop (12 week course) and

The Guide Workbook Series (12 week course and companion to the Complete Guide)

Total Value

Purchase The Guide With All The Above Bonuses and YOUR SAVINGS
All for only 29.95

You must purchase the Complete Guide by 8PM Eastern Time Saturday September 25 in order to receive the bonus items during the October Session.

Be sure to include your email address during checkout. The Bonus items are periodicals which will be emailed to you and you will receive them once a week beginning October 1st for 12 consecutive weeks.
Important: We must have all October Session participants registered in advance so be sure to purchase the Guide by the deadline and include your email address in a note at checkout so we can email your bonus items beginning October 1, 2010.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Banner Sale - Web Page Headers & Blog Banners

You can use a banner as a web page header, a blog header, post banner and much more. The banners shown below are an example of the designs created by GypsyOwl.

This sale is for one design created from your submitted BIO , links and selected focus. GypsyOwl will use the submitted information and links to intuitively create a banner for you.

When you select your focus, you can choose "Your Name," "Business Name," or "Screen Name." This will tell GypsyOwl the focus you would like the banner to be about, but, as you can see by the following examples, your banner can have multiple focus'. So choose your primary. Also include the social media websites you use as a list (ie. facebook, zazzle, linkedin, etc.) and include links if you want them to potentially be on the banner or you want GypsyOwl to review the site for inspiration.

Whatever your focus, a banner is a great way to make an impression. When you click on the "order today" link, you will go to the order page where you can read what people are saying about this banner creation method.

Each of the examples shown here were created with a simply paragraph and a couple of links. GypsyOwl has brought intuitive design into focus and the results are stunning.

Banners for you, your business or to promote a cause. You choose the focus, provide a paragraph (or two) BIO and some links (ideally 3 or more). Then, GypsyOwl designs a banner for you to reflect your personality, your business focus, your passion.

This sale may not last...

$20 per design (usually twice that or more) and you will receive

  1. A full size .png file (banner size average 950px by 175px)

  2. A smaller .jpg file (banner size average 450px by 86px) This size works well in blog posts and on squidoo lenses.

You will also receive the following LICENSE:

Additional sizes and file types are optional and may incure a small service fee.

Order today!

GypsyOwl's Graphics Shop

I am looking forward to creating a banner for you,

Deb Bryan (aka GypsyOwl)

Monday, May 31, 2010

My E-Book VA

Brand NEW

"The Author's Resource"

Early June 2010 marks the Pre-Grand Opening of My E-Book VA - The Author's Resource.
Don't miss tutorials, service options, DIY topics, and much more.

The 12 Week E-Course starts in JUNE as well. Subscribe to updates!!

******** Time Management Tips ********

click me
by Founder and President of AWHW Carrie Wilkerson

Thursday, April 15, 2010

eBook Author - Kim Eskola The CanDoMom

Kim Eskola is The CanDoMom
She is the author of the eBook Series "Because Birth Is Beautiful" and founder of CanDoCreations
I met Kim recently and can tell you she is a REAL CanDoMom!
She is The Practicle Piece of The Parenting Puzzle!

"Kim is now a stay home homeschool mom of nine (yes, 9!)" and her desire to share her experience with other moms is a blessing!

Don't miss the April Blastoff of CanDoMom.Com and enter to win a $100 Babycare Giftcard. It is easy to enter! Post about the giveaway to your Blog, Twitter, Facebook or any online site AND go to the Babycare Giveaway to share the link to where you posted. Be sure to include "WHY" you would like to win. (enter once a day until Midnight April 19, 2010).

~Go HERE for details~